
I have many small and medium things on my GitHub profile, but here are some of my biggest and/or favorites. Feel free to check any of these out, open PRs or issues, or simply gaze at the mess.

Dungeon Paper

A character sheet app for Dungeon World, a popuplar tabletop game, as an open-source Flutter application.

Available now on Android and iOS!


A client for MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) games.

It is a work in progress that will soon be available for both desktop & mobile platforms.

Simple Scaffold

A simple command to generate any file structure, from single components to entire app boilerplates.

See my post detailing more, or the documentation / NPM page to start using it!

Dart Script Runner

Run scripts from any folder, similar to what NPM’s scripts in package.json do. Avoid the mess of documenting & handling multiple scripts to run and then share with your team.

It works for any folder and project type but requires Dart to run. Check out the repository or the package page!


If you are bulding a package or library for Dart, you will often need to get the user config from either a standalone file or pubspec.yaml.

Unaconfig lets you find files in various formats and get the first config that matches.

Check out the repository or the package page!

Flutter Wheel Spinner

A Flutter widget that presents a pitch-bend-like spinner that lets you control a numeric value with the drag or fling of your fingers.

I have made a tutorial laying out how it was created, and it’s also available as a package!