
Auto fetches currency information for your Cospend projects on Nextcloud


Auto Currency for Cospend

This NextCloud app automatically fetches currency information for your Cospend projects, and fills them up using the main currency as base. No more manually updating exchange rates!

It will automatically run once a day by default and use your currency names to fetch the correct rate.

Interval for fetch may be adjusted in the admin settings “Auto Currency” section.

Note: This is a companion app to Cospend. Without Cospend, this app will not work.

Preparing currency data

For both main and additional currencies, you must include in the currency name, one of the following:

  • Currency symbol ($, , £, etc.)
  • Currency code (USD, EUR, GBP, etc.) - case insensitive

Using one of these will be enough to fetch the correct rate.

For a full list of available currencies, see symbols.json.


Download the app from Nextcloud’s App Store through your Nextcloud instance.

If you prefer to download manually, you can download the latest version from GitHub and install directly:

  1. Place this app in nextcloud/apps/ or nextcloud/custom_apps/

  2. Here is a quick installation script you can use as base. Modify the first variable lines to match your setup:

    pushd "/path/to/root/of/nextcloud/custom_apps"
    APPVER=$(curl -s | grep tag_name | grep -Eo 'v[^"]+') && \
    curl -L${APPVER}/autocurrency-${APPVER}.tar.gz -o autocurrency.tar.gz && \
    tar xfv autocurrency.tar.gz && \
    rm -rf autocurrency.tar.gz
  3. Then enable the app as you normally would from Nextcloud’s Apps page.


I am developing this package on my free time, so any support, whether code, issues, or just stars is very helpful to sustaining its life. If you are feeling incredibly generous and would like to donate just a small amount to help sustain this project, I would be very very thankful!

Buy Me a Coffee at

I welcome any issues or pull requests on GitHub. If you find a bug, or would like a new feature, don’t hesitate to open an appropriate issue and I will do my best to reply promptly.


Building the app

The app can be built by using the provided Makefile by running:


Running tests

You can use the provided Makefile to run all tests by using:

make test