Git aliases for opening project, branch, commit, PRs, etc from CLI



git-open is a git alias which lets you open various repository URLs in a project in your default browser. It makes it easy to find a project, a specific commit, a branch or PR on GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket.

For example:

git open repo # open project main URL
git open prs # open PRs/MRs list
git open branch # open current branch URL
git open branch some/branch # open specific branch
git open commit # open current commit URL
git open commit abc123 # open specific commit URL
git open file .gitignore # open specific file URL

You can always use git open without arguments to see the list of possible options:

Usage: git open [-s] <command>

Opens various Git project related URLs in your browser.

  project|repo[sitory]|open|.    Open the project
  branch                         Open the project at given (or current) branch
  commit                         Open the project at given (or current) commit
  file                           Open the project at given file
  file <branch|commit|ref>       Open the project at given file for given ref
  prs|mrs                        Open the PR list
  pr|mr                          Create a new PR or open existing one
  pr|mr <source branch>          Create a new PR or open existing one for given branch
  pr|mr <source> <target>        Create a new PR or open existing one for given source and target
  actions|pipelines|ci           Open the CI/CD pipelines

  -s, --silent                   Silent mode (no output)


There are several methods to install git-open:


  1. Clone the git repository:

    cd $installpath
    git clone
  2. Load the entry file somewhere in your init (such as ~/.zshrc):

    source /path/to/git-open/git-open.plugin.zsh

    Alternatively, you can add the following value to your git config to load manually:

    git config --global "!/path/to/git-open/git-open.zsh open"


zplug "chenasraf/git-open"

Adding to your tools

Feel free to post configurations you have come up with as a PR.

Adding to Neovim

You can add a command, a keybinding, or both to your Neovim config files. Here is a starter template you can use, feel free to adjust to your needs.

-- :GitOpen command
-- usage: :GitOpen [...args]
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('GitOpen', function(opts)
  local args = opts.args
  local cmd = "git open"
  if #args > 0 then
    cmd = cmd .. " " .. args
    vim.cmd(":silent !" .. cmd)
    local types = { "branch", "pr", "prs", "repo", "commit", "file" }
    local type_map = {
      repo = "Project",
      branch = "Current branch",
      commit = "Commit",
      file = "File",
      pr = "Create/open Pull Request",
      prs = "PRs list"
    }, {
      prompt = "Git open",
      format_item = function(item) return type_map[item] end
    }, function(selected)
      local extras = ""
      if selected == "file" then
        extras = vim.fn.expand("%")
      if extras ~= "" then
        selected = selected .. " " .. extras
      vim.cmd("GitOpen " .. selected)
end, { nargs = '*' })

-- keymaps
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>go", ":GitOpen<CR>", { desc = "Git open", silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>gOp", ":GitOpen repo<CR>", { desc = "Git open repo", silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>gOb", ":GitOpen branch<CR>", { desc = "Git open branch", silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>gOc", ":GitOpen commit<CR>", { desc = "Git open commit", silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>gOf", ":GitOpen file<CR>", { desc = "Git open file", silent = true })

Adding to LazyGit

You can add git-open to your lazygit config file and open selected files/refs with it. Here is an example customCommands entry, but you can of course modify it or create your own:

  - key: 'B'
    context: 'global'
      - type: 'menu'
        title: 'Choose an action'
        key: 'action'
          - name: 'Open Branch'
            value: 'branch'
          - name: 'Open Default Branch'
            value: 'project'
          - name: 'Open Commit'
            value: 'commit'
          - name: 'Open File'
            value: 'file'
          - name: 'Create/open Pull Request'
            value: 'pr'
          - name: 'Open Pull Requests'
            value: 'prs'
          - name: 'Open CI/Actions'
            value: 'ci'
    # pass selected contexts to `git open`, prefer file, then remote branch, then local branch
    command: 'git open {{.Form.action}} {{if .SelectedFile}}{{.SelectedFile.Name | quote}}{{else if .SelectedRemoteBranch}}{{.SelectedRemoteBranch.Name | quote}}{{else if .SelectedLocalBranch}}{{.SelectedLocalBranch.Name | quote}}{{end}}'
    loadingText: 'Opening...'


I am developing this package on my free time, so any support, whether code, issues, or just stars is very helpful to sustaining its life. If you are feeling incredibly generous and would like to donate just a small amount to help sustain this project, I would be very very thankful!

Buy Me a Coffee at

I welcome any issues or pull requests on GitHub. If you find a bug, or would like a new feature, don’t hesitate to open an appropriate issue and I will do my best to reply promptly.