Installs software from a declerative config on any system



sofmani stands for [Sof]tware [Mani]fest. It is a robust and flexible provisioning tool written in Go, designed to simplify software installations, configuration syncing, and system provisioning for both personal and work computers. With a single config file, sofmani automates locating, installing, or updating software and configurations, making system setup quick and reproducible.

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๐Ÿš€ Features

  • Install and provision software using a declarative YAML/JSON configuration.
  • Multi-platform support: macOS, Linux, or Windows.
  • Modular and extendable installer types: shell scripts, rsync, Homebrew taps, and more.
  • Configurable platform-specific behaviors.
  • Automatic software updates using custom logic.
  • Group software installations into logical โ€œstepsโ€ with sophisticated orchestration.

๐ŸŽฏ Installation

Download Precompiled Binaries

Precompiled binaries for sofmani are available for Linux, macOS, and Windows:

  • Visit the Releases Page to download the latest version for your platform.

Homebrew (macOS/Linux only)

Install from a custom tap:

brew install chenasraf/tap/sofmani


You can install sofmani by downloading the release tar, and extracting it to your preferred location.

  • You can see an example script for install here:

  • The example script can be used for actual install, use this command to download and execute the file (use at your own discretion):

    curl | sh

    To change the install location, provide an env variable $INSTALL_DIR to the script:

    # below is the default value, change as needed:
    curl | INSTALL_DIR=~/.local/bin sh

โœจ Getting Started

sofmani works based on a configuration file written in YAML or JSON. Below is an annotated example configuration to demonstrate most of its options.

debug: true # Global debug mode (optional).
check_updates: true # Enable update checking (optional).
defaults: # Define default behaviors for installer types.
        only: ['macos'] # Only run this installer type on macOS.

install: # Declare installation steps:
  - name: nvim # Identifier for this step.
    type: rsync
      source: ~/.dotfiles/.config/nvim/
      destination: ~/.config/nvim/
      flags: --delete --exclude .git --exclude .DS_Store

  - name: lazygit
    type: group # Logical group of steps.
      - name: lazygit
        type: brew
          tap: jesseduffield/lazygit
      - name: lazygit # Additional step for Linux systems only.
        type: shell
          only: ['linux']
          command: |
            cd $(mktemp -d)
            latest_version=$(curl -s https://... )

๐Ÿ”ง Usage

Run sofmani with an optional configuration file or flags. Example:

sofmani my-config.yaml

See the documentation for more information and examples.

Command-Line Flags

The following flags are supported to customize behavior:

-d, --debugEnable debug mode.
-D, --no-debugDisable debug mode (default).
-u, --updateEnable update checking.
-U, --no-updateDisable update checking (default).
-f, --filterFilter by installer name (can be used multiple times)
-h, --helpDisplay help information and exit.
-v, --versionDisplay version information and exit.

If a configuration file is not explicitly provided, sofmani attempts to locate a sofmani.yaml, sofmani.yml or sofmani.json in the following directories, in this order (first match is used):

  1. Current directory
  2. $HOME/.config directory
  3. Home directory

If no file is found or provided, sofmani will fail to start.

For more information, see Configuration Reference

๐Ÿ“š Configuration Reference

Here is a quick breakdown of all configuration options.

For a full breakdown with all the supported options, see the docs.

Global Options

debugBooleanEnable or disable debug mode. Default: false.
check_updatesBooleanEnable or disable checking for updates before running operations. Default: false.
defaultsObjectDefaults to apply to all installer types, such as specifying supported platforms or commonly used flags.
envObjectEnvironment variables that will be set for the context of the installer. OS env vars are passed, and may be overridden for this config and all of its installers here.
installArrayInstallation steps to execute.

install Node

The install field describes the steps to execute. Each step represents an action or group of actions. Steps can be of several types, such as brew, rsync, shell, and more.

nameString (required)Identifier for the step. It does not have to be unique, but is usually used to check for the appโ€™s existence, if applicable (can be overridden using bin_name)
typeString (required)Type of the step. See supported types for a comprehensive list of supported values.
platformsObject (optional)Platform-specific execution controls. See platforms subfields below.
platforms.onlyArray of StringsPlatforms where the step should execute (e.g., ['macos', 'linux']). Supercedes platforms.except.
platforms.exceptArray of StringsPlatforms where the step should not execute; replaces platforms.only.
stepsArray of InstallersSub-steps for group type. Allows nesting multiple steps together.
optsObject (optional)Step-specific options and configurations. Content varies depending on the type. See supported types for a comprehensive list of supported values.
bin_nameString (optional)Binary name for the installed software, used instead of name when checking for appโ€™s existence.
check_has_updateString (shell script)Shell command to check whether an update is available for the installed software. This will override the default check provided by the corresponding type. The check must succeed (return exit code 0) if the app has an update, or fail (other status codes) if the app is up to date.
check_installedString (shell script)Shell command to check if the step has already been installed. If the check succeeds (exits with status 0), it means the app is already installed and can be skipped if not checking for updates.
pre_installString (shell script)Shell script to execute before the step is installed.
post_installString (shell script)Shell script to execute after the step is installed.
pre_updateString (shell script)Shell script to execute before the step is updated (if applicable).
post_updateString (shell script)Shell script to execute after the step is updated (if applicable).
env_shellObject (optional)Shell to use for command executions. See env_shell subfields below.
env_shell.macosString (optional)Shell to use for macOS command executions. If not specified, the default shell will be used.
env_shell.linuxString (optional)Shell to use for Linux command executions. If not specified, the default shell will be used.

Supported type of Installers

For a full list with all the supported options, see the docs.

  • shell

    • Executes arbitrary shell commands.
  • group

    • Executes a logical group of steps in sequence.
    • Allows nesting multiple steps together.
  • git

    • Clones a git repository to a local directory.
    • If name is a full git URL (https or SSH), the repository is cloned directly. If it is a repository path, e.g. chenasraf/sofmani, GitHub is assumed.
  • github-release

    • Downloads a GitHub release asset. Optionally untar/unzip the downloaded file.
  • manifest

    • Installs an entire manifest from a local or remote file.
    • Every entry in the install array will be run, similar to how steps are run for group installers.
    • debug and check_updates will be inherited by the loaded config.
    • env and defaults will be merged into the loaded config, overriding any existing values.
  • rsync

    • Copy files from source to destination using rsync.
  • brew

    • Installs packages using Homebrew.
  • npm/pnpm/yarn

    • Installs packages using npm/pnpm/yarn.
    • Use type: npm for npm install, type: pnpm for pnpm install, and type: yarn for yarn install.
  • apt/apk

    • Installs packages using apt/apk install.
    • Use type: apt for apt install, and type: apk for apk add.
  • pipx

    • Installs packages using pipx.

๐Ÿ“‚ Example Workflow

Hereโ€™s how you might configure sofmani to provision a new system:

  1. Create the YAML configuration file sofmani.yaml:

    debug: true
    check_updates: true
      - name: jq
        type: brew
      - name: yq
        type: shell
          command: pipx install yq
  2. Run sofmani with your config file:

    sofmani sofmani.yaml
  3. Let sofmani handle the installation, configuration syncing, and software updates automatically! ๐ŸŽ‰

๐Ÿ’ก Tips and Tricks

  1. Use platforms.only and platforms.except to fine-tune actions for platform-specific environments.
  2. Use check_installed to skip steps if a specific condition or software is already installed, if the check is not a simple binary existence check on name or bin_name.
  3. You can use groups to group together a set of installation steps to run in order (for example, for using different installers per-OS), or to simply exclude several steps together if an app is already installed with a single check.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Contributing

I am developing this package on my free time, so any support, whether code, issues, or just stars is very helpful to sustaining its life. If you are feeling incredibly generous and would like to donate just a small amount to help sustain this project, I would be very very thankful!

Buy Me a Coffee at

I welcome any issues or pull requests on GitHub. If you find a bug, or would like a new feature, donโ€™t hesitate to open an appropriate issue and I will do my best to reply promptly.

๐Ÿ“œ License

sofmani is licensed under the CC0-1.0 License.

Happy provisioning! ๐ŸŽ‰