
Common text transformers for neovim - switch between camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, and more!



Common text transformers for nvim - switch between camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, and more!


⚡️ Features

Transform the current word or selection between multiple case types. Need to easily replace myVar with my_var or vice versa? This plugin is for you!

  • Works on current word in Normal Mode
    • Will replace the current word selectable by ciw
  • Works on selection in Visual Mode
    • Will replace only inside the selection
  • Works on column selections in Visual Block Mode
    • Will detect if the block is a single column or multiple columns
      • If it’s a single column, will replace the word under each cursor
      • If it’s a selection with length, will replace only inside the selection ranges
TransformationExample InputsOutput
camelCasemy_var, my-var, MyVarmyVar
PascalCasemy_var, my-var, myVarMyVar
snake_casemyVar, my-var, MyVarmy_var
kebab-casemy_var, myVar, MyVarmy-var
dot.casemy_var, my-var, MyVarmy.var
Title Casemy_var, my-var, MyVarMy Var
CONST_CASEmy_var, my-var, MyVarMY_VAR

🔽 Installation


  -- stable version
  version = "*", -- or: tag = "stable"
  -- dev version
  -- branch = "develop",
  -- Optional - for Telescope popup
  dependencies = { 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim', 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' }


use { "chenasraf/text-transform.nvim",
  -- stable version
  tag = "stable",
  -- dev version
  -- branch = "develop",
  -- Optional - for Telescope popup
  requires = { 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim', 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' }


" Dependencies - optional for Telescope popup
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'

" stable version
Plug 'chenasraf/text-transform.nvim', { 'tag': 'stable' }
" dev version
Plug 'chenasraf/text-transform.nvim', { 'branch': 'develop' }

If you decide not to use Telescope, you can ignore the dependencies. In that case, be sure to change your config with popup_type = 'select' so that TextTransform never tries to load Telescope.

It falls back to vim.ui.select() instead, which may or may not still be Telescope behind the scenes, or something else; depending on your setup.

🚀 Getting started

To get started, install the plugin via your favorite package manager.

  1. Use the following code to setup in any loaded .lua file

        -- custom settings
  2. Either make a selection using Visual mode, or just have your cursor stand on a desired word.

    Then, use the mapped key (default: <Leader>~) to open the transform options in a popup.

  3. Select the desired transform and you’re done!

⚙️ Configuration

Note: The options are also available in Neovim by calling :h TextTransform.options

The following are the default options when none are configured by the user.

To merge any new config into the default, you can override only the keys you need, and leave the rest to use the defaults.

  --- Prints information about internals of the plugin. Very verbose, only useful for debugging.
  debug = false,
  --- Keymap configurations
  keymap = {
    --- Keymap to open the telescope popup. Set to `false` or `nil` to disable keymapping
    --- You can always customize your own keymapping manually.
    telescope_popup = {
      --- Opens the popup in normal mode
      ["n"] = "<Leader>~",
      --- Opens the popup in visual/visual block modes
      ["v"] = "<Leader>~",
  --- Configurations for the text-transform replacers
  --- Keys indicate the replacer name, and the value is a table with the following options:
  --- - `enabled` (boolean): Enable or disable the replacer - disabled replacers do not show up in the popup.
  replacers = {
    camel_case = { enabled = true },
    const_case = { enabled = true },
    dot_case = { enabled = true },
    kebab_case = { enabled = true },
    pascal_case = { enabled = true },
    snake_case = { enabled = true },
    title_case = { enabled = true },

  --- Sort the replacers in the popup.
  --- Possible values: 'frequency', 'name'
  sort_by = "frequency",

  --- The popup type to show.
  --- Possible values: 'telescope', 'select'
  popup_type = 'telescope'

📝 Commands

The following commands are available for your use in your own mappings or for reference.

:TextTransformPop up a either a Telescope window or a selection popup, depending on the popup_type config.
:TtTelescopePop up a Telescope window with all the transformers, which will directly act on the selected text or highlighted word.
:TtSelectPop up a selection popup with all the transformers, which will directly act on the selected text or highlighted word.
:TtCamelReplace selection/word with camelCase.
:TtSnakeReplace selection/word with snake_case.
:TtPascalReplace selection/word with PascalCase.
:TtConstReplace selection/word with CONST_CASE.
:TtDotReplace selection/word with dot.case.
:TtKebabReplace selection/word with kebab-case.
:TtTitleReplace selection/word with Title Case.

⌨️⌨️ Keymaps

You can use the setup options to customize the default keymaps used to trigger the Telescope Popup.

To disable these automated mappings, pass nil or false to the containing table (e.g. telescope_popup) or to the keys themselves.

-- Disable entirely
  keymap = {
    telescope_popup = nil,
-- Disable just one keymap
  keymap = {
    telescope_popup = {
      ["v"] = nil,

You can also create custom mappings to specific case conversions or to the Telescope popup yourself.

-- Trigger telescope popup
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>~~", ":TtTelescope", { silent = true, desc = "Transform Text" })

-- Trigger case converters directly
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>Ccc", ":TtCamel",  { silent = true, desc = "To camelCase" })
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>Csn", ":TtSnake",  { silent = true, desc = "To snake_case" })
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>Cpa", ":TtPascal", { silent = true, desc = "To PascalCase" })
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>Cco", ":TtConst",  { silent = true, desc = "To CONST_CASE" })
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>Cdo", ":TtDot",    { silent = true, desc = "To dot.case" })
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>Cke", ":TtKebab",  { silent = true, desc = "To kebab-case" })
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>Ctt", ":TtTitle",  { silent = true, desc = "To Title Case" })

💁🏻 Contributing

I am developing this package on my free time, so any support, whether code, issues, or just stars is very helpful to sustaining its life. If you are feeling incredibly generous and would like to donate just a small amount to help sustain this project, I would be very very thankful!

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com

I welcome any issues or pull requests on GitHub. If you find a bug, or would like a new feature, don’t hesitate to open an appropriate issue and I will do my best to reply promptly.

If you are a developer and want to contribute code, feel free to fork this repository and make some changes to create a PR, I will do my best to merge your code if it is appropriate.